Bible Reading

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13:44

The scriptures are a treasure and it is more accessible than ever! At Collective, we place a high value on the written word of God. We read it, memorize it, and teach from it. It is one of the main ways God communicates to His people. We encourage you to build a daily habit of spending time in God’s word. 

Bible plans are meant to create a discipline of reading His word, but it’s never meant to be a daily check box. If you get behind, just keep reading! If you are new to the Bible don’t be discouraged, we are all in the process of growing in our knowledge of God. Jump in, ask questions, and keep reading.

Recommended Reading Plans

Bible Recap Plan

This plan is a 1-year bible plan. Subscribe to the Daily Recap Podcast or purchase the Daily Recap book HERE to help with understanding and insight into the scriptures.

Download →

M’Cheyne Bible Plan

This plan is the Old Testament once, Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament twice in one year. The average day is 4-5 chapters of reading.

Download Here →

Chronological Bible Plan

This plan takes you through the entire Bible in a year by when the books were written. The average day is 2-3 chapters per day.

Download Here →

Daily Bible Reading Options

This plan gives your 4 options for daily reading. Spend a year in the wisdom literature (Psalms, proverbs, etc), gospels and epistles, and more. Each plan has an average is 1-2 chapters per day.

Download Here →


Service Times & Location

Sundays at 10:00 AM

8103 FM 1488

Magnolia, TX 77354

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